Sunday, 2 January 2011

Token effort

Hey Peeps,

Poor attempt from the Nose Runner today. Rushed out after waking up exceedingly late to go to various shops before they all shut (remember when absolutely nothing used to be open on a Sunday...), acknowledged I felt as rough as ....(fill in the blank yourself, extremely coarse sandpaper perhaps) and that the only thing that could possibly make me go for a run would be zombies knocking down the door, even then it would only be a possibility, soooooo I though token effort time and parked the car half a mile away from the shops so by the time I'd got to the shops and back it was a mile. Haha, lame I know, better than nothing.

I won't even count it in my years mileage though! I got back home, crawled under the duvet on the sofa and still couldn't figure out why I felt rough. Woke up about an hour ago and realised I had somehow brought in the paintbrush and jar I'd used for the paintstripper, doh!! Thought I'd left it outside. Needless to say I plonked it outside and opened all the windows for a good dose of fresh. Nothing like paying good money to heat up the country.... Burr

Heres to a better day tomorrow....


  1. LOL I felt like that today but had no paintstripper to blamee it on...just the half a box of chocolate liquers I ate last night!!
    A sub 4 hour marathon is a great goal...2012 will be my 4th application so am hoping to get in - will you be running a chrity place?

  2. I might be needing zombies tomorrow... 10 miles today has taken it's toll on me, and despite the fact I am really quite tired, I'm reading blogs and eating chocolate... again! :-)

  3. Sometimes you just gotta listen to the body and curl up under the duvet! However if self-inflected, there's no sympathy!! LOL!!

    Did you make it out today, day 3?

  4. Hope you feel better soon and you managed to get out for day 3!
